
Tae-Hoon Kim (김태훈)

Ph.D. Associate Professor

School of Materials Sciences and Engineering, Chonnam National University

(전남대학교 신소재공학부)

Office: Room 415, 6th Eng. Bldg. / Tel (office): 062-530-1694


Google scholar: link/ ResearchGate: link


Ph. D (2016.02) : 성균관대학교 신소재공학부
    School of Advanced Materials and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Suwon, Korea

M. S. (2012.02) :  성균관대학교 신소재공학부
    School of Advanced Materials and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Suwon, Korea

B. S. (2010. 02) :  성균관대학교 신소재공학부
    School of Advanced Materials and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Suwon, Korea


(2025~present) Associate Professor, Chonnam National University (전남대학교 교수)

(2021~2025) Assistant Professor, Chonnam National University (전남대학교 조교수)

(2017-2021) Postdoctoral Research Associate, Ames Laboratory of US DOE, Ames, Iowa, US (에임스 국립 연구소 박사후 연구원)

(2016-2017) Postdoctoral Research Associate, Global Engineering Institute for Ultimate Society (GENIUS),  Sungkyunkwan University

(2012-2016) Researcher, Institute of Science and Technology & GENIUS, Sungkyunkwan University

Honors & Awards

Yongbong Academic Award, Chonnam National University (2024)

Excellence in Education Award, Chonnam National University (2024)

Outstanding Professor Award in Education and Research, College of Engineering, Chonnam National University (2023)

Young Scientist Award, Korean Society of Microscopy (2021)

Global Ph.D. Fellowship (글로벌 박사 펠로우십): 2012-2015 Granted by National Research Foundation, Korea. (NRF-2012H1A2A1009583)

Representative 10 Publications